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Lifehack: Delete Twitter from your phone, because it sucks


Twitter sucks. Twitter was once great. It was exciting and weird and small and capable of aiding and abetting literal revolutions. And now, people are leaving Twitter In favor of safer spaces — not just away from people who completely disagree with them, or trolls, but from people who will pounce on any opportunity to rhetorically suckerpunch anyone or anything that dares to give them an aysopening. 

These days, Twitter's like a neighborhood that used to be "cool." Where once stood artists' studios and offbeat weird performing venues and communist coffee shops, you can now find a Wendy's, talking shit on Burger King, and a bunch of people standing around, cheering them on. Meanwhile, all the people who once first settled that neighborhood and made it a nice place to be took flight to greener, less-crowded pastures. Read more...

More about Twitter, Lifehacks, Deleting Things, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

from Mashable

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